Singhara, also known as water caltrop or water chestnut, is a fruit that grows underwater. It is usually a winter fruit, however, its by-products – especially the flour – are available round the year. Singhara is very beneficial because it acts as a coolant, cures jaundice, has antioxidant properties, treats urine infection, cures indigestion and nausea, relieves cough, helps to combat hypertension, improves the blood and is beneficial for the hair.
Uses & Health Benefits:
- Singhara treats urine infection
- It is good for muscles
- It is good to cure thyroid glade
- It helps in hair growth
- It helps to gain weight
- It gives you relief from pain and swelling
- It is consider to be a good source of energy
- It is used to cure diarrhea and dysentery
- It cure sore throat
- Cures indigestion and nausea with singhara
- It helps to regulate water retention in your body
- It helps to gain weight
- Helps to combat hypertension
Recommended to use 1 or 2 tablespoon with milk or water 2 to 3 times in a day for adults and for children half tablespoon is enough in a day.
The information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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