Baking Powder is double acting and perfect for mixing up any recipe that calls for Baking Powder!
Baking Powder is a versatile raising agent for cakes, scones and pastries. This gluten free baking powder can be use for all types of baking. It is one of our most popular products.
- English Name: Baking powder
- Urdu Name : بیکنگ پاوڈر
- Scientific Name: Sodium bicarbonate
Uses & Health Benefits:
- Improves the health the kidney function
- Promotes oral health
- Activate Anti-Inflammatory Pathways
- Removes pesticides from fruits and vegetables
- To prevent kidney damage caused by dyes used during some X-ray exams
- Treatment for dental plague
- Softens the food products
- Slows the progression pf chronic kidney disease
- Improves exercise of performances
- Alleviates urinary tract infections
- Natural antacid
- The information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
- This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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